Struggling does not make you less of a man, it makes you human.

It’s okay—and important—to ask for help.


“I don’t even know how to start talking about my feelings.” “It feels like I’m failing as a husband or father. My life feels like shit.” “I can’t believe I’m not strong enough to handle this.” “I feel so defeated.”

What used to be manageable has become so overwhelming it’s hard to breathe sometimes. There’s this dream of falling that keeps waking you up, reminding you how chaotic and out of control your life seems. The stress at work just keeps piling up, and you’re scared of losing your job—you’ve forgotten how secure, educated, or experienced you know you are because the fear is taking over.

The financial pressure to maintain your family lifestyle is like a weight on your shoulders, always there.

Then there’s the societal expectations—trying to figure out how to be strong and masculine without coming off as toxic or how to lead without the fear of being judged or “canceled.” You’re avoiding any sort of conflict with coworkers, your spouse—everyone. The thought of confrontation fills you with dread, even when you know it’s necessary.

You tell yourself you should be able to handle this alone, but it’s hard to believe in your own strength when you feel so damn helpless.

Seeking support is a sign of your strength not your weakness.

My Approach

Many men find it tough to connect with their emotional side, and the stigma around therapy can make it even harder to reach out for help.

But here's the thing: therapy isn’t one-size-fits-all. Everyone is different, and your therapy should reflect that.

I’m a therapist who works with you to tackle things head-on. What you’re going through isn’t easy, and it’s time to do everything we can to help you move forward. That means sometimes this process is going to be hard, and sometimes I’m going to challenge you, but it’s because the only way to get to the other side is to face the storm. 

After our initial session, I’ll have a better grip on the type of personality you have and what your goals are. This allows me to tailor my approach in a way that best suits you and can offer you the solutions you need…and want.

Also (and this is important):

Therapy isn’t just talking about what happened to you as a kid or what’s in the past or just your feelings.

Sure, that can be part of it, but we’re here to look at all the things you’re experiencing so you can find confidence in your own skin and peace in your life today.

Overwhelmed by responsibilities

Handling your schedule & tasks with ease

WHERE YOU want to go


Confidence in sharing your feelings

Struggling to express emotions

Responding to challenges calmly

Experiencing regular anger & frustration

Finding connection & support with a personal network

Feeling isolated & lonely



It’s time to get out of your own way and show up as who you are.


Frequently asked questions

  • Yes. It can provide you with coping strategies, help you improve your work-life balance and your relationships, and address any underlying issues that could be contributing to your stress—particularly those unique to men in the workplace.

  • You’re not alone. It’s common—especially for men—to be hesitant about sharing what you’re struggling with or being vulnerable. But this gets easier over time and I’m a big believer in how sitting in the “uncomfortable” can allow you to move forward with the “comfortable.” You can thrive in every part of your life but the first step is opening up.

  • Not necessarily. We’ll talk about your goals, so having those in mind and potentially thinking about what you want to get out of this could help—but you should feel free to show up as you are, with whatever you feel because I’m here to provide a safe, judgmental space that builds you up and helps you live the life you’ve always wanted.

  • Yes, definitely. Relationships take a toll when we don’t feel like our best selves or when we aren’t communicating clearly. It can be hard to know what to say to your partner and express how you really feel. It could be sex, finances, or family—whatever it is, I’ll be there to meet you with honesty and compassion. You can find the confidence to take the kind of action or steps needed to make your marriage stronger and healthier.